Did you know that magnesium is your body's fourth most abundant mineral? It's so esssential that you can hardly function without it. Magnesium is responsible for many of your body's essential functions and metabolic processes. It is a key player in maintaining optimal nerve function, muscle contraction, and heart rhythm and plays a crucial role in keeping our bones healthy by helping control calcium levels, which is important for making bones strong and dense.
You can eat nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy vegetables to get magnesium. Meat and fish also contain smaller amounts of this vital nutrient. Magnesium is so essential that if you aren't getting a steady supply through diet, that it is best to take a supplement.
Beyond addressing deficiencies, magnesium supplementation has shown potential benefits for sleep quality, stress management, and mood regulation. Research also suggests its positive impact on cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and improving blood pressure. From basic bodily functions to mental well-being, magnesium proves essential, highlighting its irreplaceable role in maintaining a thriving body. So with that said, let’s explore some crucial health benefits you can enjoy from taking magnesium supplements.
May Help improve Migraines
Is there anything worse than experiencing a full-blown migraine when you need to concentrate on something important? Definitely not! Therefore, you should consider taking magnesium if you suffer frequent migraines. Research shows that low magnesium levels can lead to migraines. Also, a study discovered that people with migraines who took daily magnesium saw a 42% drop in their frequency. The migraines that occurred were also less intense.
Lowers Your Heart Disease Risk
Studies have linked low magnesium levels to an increased risk of heart disease. This link is because low magnesium negatively affects blood sugar and pressure. These are popular risk factors for heart disease. Fortunately, a recent review of almost thirty studies showed that magnesium supplements could positively affect some heart disease risk factors. However, it's best to point out that these studies only involved people with type 2 diabetes. The review found that these people experienced lowered cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and fasting blood sugar when they took magnesium supplements. So if you have a deficiency, you know exactly what to do.
may help Improve Your Mood
What do you do when you feel depressed? Go for a walk? Pet your cat? Or, perhaps, seek support from people who make you feel safe and loved? These are all effective ways to deal with depression. But sometimes, more magnesium is just what you need! Don't believe me? Well, believe this six-week study that showed that 126 depressed people felt better after taking magnesium every day alongside treatment. It's best to follow their example. You should never rely on magnesium supplements alone to treat depression.
magnesium for Better Sleep
Nine uninterrupted hours of pure blissful sleep. Sounds nice. If only. However, it turns out magnesium supplements can help make your wish a reality. Magnesium plays a vital role in sleep. So you will likely experience sleep issues if you have low magnesium levels. These sleep problems can be anything, including struggling to fall or stay asleep.
It certainly makes sense to take more magnesium if your deficiency is the root cause of your sleeping issues. Studies have found that you can fall asleep faster if you take up to 720 mg of magnesium supplements for about eight weeks. Other studies have discovered similar outcomes. For instance, older adults may fall asleep and sleep longer by taking magnesium supplements.
Magnesium glycinate is a highly effective supplement for improving sleep quality. This easily absorbed form of magnesium enhances GABA function, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. It also plays a vital role in melatonin production, regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Regular supplementation has been associated with improved sleep onset, duration, and overall quality.
may reduce Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is bad news for anyone. It can cause aneurysms, strokes, and heart attacks. Therefore, you should tackle this condition aggressively if you have it. Magnesium supplements can help you fight hypertension. Research reveals that individuals see notable improvements when taking this supplement. For example, a review of 34 studies concluded that your systolic and diastolic blood pressure could reduce if you take 350mg of magnesium for about three months.
Great For Blood Sugar Management
Magnesium is vital in insulin and glucose metabolism. However, you will likely have a magnesium deficiency if you have type 2 diabetes. Magnesium supplements are worth considering if you have blood sugar management issues. Experts suggest that it can improve your insulin resistance. Therefore, your cells will respond better to the insulin hormone. You may already know that insulin is a vital hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. So improving your insulin resistance promotes better blood sugar management. A review revealed that taking magnesium supplements for over 4 months had a positive effect on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management. There is a need for more research to fully establish magnesium supplements as crucial to diabetics. Still, people with type 2 diabetes who take them report that they are highly effective in stabilising their blood sugar levels.
Considering the crucial role magnesium plays in various bodily functions, supplementation becomes a practical option for those facing challenges in meeting their daily magnesium requirements through diet alone. Incorporating magnesium supplements into your wellness routine is a practical and strategic step towards overall health improvement. Whether you're aiming to alleviate specific health concerns or proactively enhance your well-being, magnesium supplements may be the key to unlocking a healthier and more balanced life.
Many experts generally consider magnesium supplements safe. However, it's always best to check with your GP before taking, so that they can give you personalised advice on dosage and suitability, especially if you have a medical condition. This mineral may be unsafe if you’re on antibiotics, heart medications, or diuretics. You can also become nauseous and get diarrhoea from taking large doses of magnesium supplements.
